House Activities
SSIS fosters the learners with the values of team spirit, peer group support, leadership, responsibility, critical thinking, decision-making, commitment, group loyalty, fraternity, public speaking, intellectual empowerment, self-development, healthy rivalry and competitiveness through the House System consisting of four houses named after our Vedas.

( ऋग्वेद )
“संगच्छध्वं, संवदध्वं”
अर्थात्-हम मनुष्यों को मिलकर चलना, मिलकर बोलना चाहिए।

( सामवेद )
“येनदेवा: पवित्रेणत्मानपुनतेसदा”
अर्थात्-दिव्य गुणों से युक्त विद्वान्लोग पवित्र ब्रह्मानन्द से अपनी आत्मा को हमेशा पवित्र करते हैं|

( यर्जुवेद )
“तन्मेमनः शिवसंकल्पमस्तु”
अर्थात् - मेरे मन का संकल्प शिव हो,शुभ हो कल्याणकारी हो।

( अथर्ववेद )
अर्थात्-हम सभी देवों की भाँति उत्तम प्रज्ञा और सुमति में सदा प्रवृत्त रहें|
In our diverse household, we embrace a multitude of activities inspired by Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. From organizing engaging events like voting for council members, science quizzes, and sports days tailored to each group's interests, to fostering creativity through poster making, essay writing, and fancy dress competitions, we celebrate the richness of our traditions while embracing modern pursuits. Furthermore, activities such as passing bills in our household parliament and promoting sustainability through initiatives like the best out of waste competition reflect our commitment to holistic development and community engagement. Through these endeavors, we cultivate a vibrant and inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute.